Monday, June 21, 2010

World Cup 2010, Day 10: The Kaka Hits the Fan

Slovakia 0 - 2 Paraguay
Italy 1 - 1 New Zealand
Brazil 3 - 1 Ivory Coast

Brazil 3 - 1 Ivory Coast

It was a much better performance by Brazil, though it is a shame that they let Ivory Coast slip-in one goal. Not sure what was going on on the pitch, but the last half of the game was rife with tension, players seemed one shirt-tug away from total mayhem. The big shock was seeing the boyish and extremely religious Kaka get red-carded. No one's safe in this year's World Cup.

Italy v New Zealand

Not sure what to think of this year's Italian team. They've certainly got charisma: Vincenzo Iaquinta (pictured left) winked at the camera during his country's national anthem; De Rossi, looking very much the castaway in his beard is literally throwing himself into the role of team thespian--but in a way that's entertaining and not infuriating. And then there's the deadly Di Natale, whom Lippi sends out when the team means business; he is "The Problem Solver".

So that at least, in a hazelnut shell, is some of the allure of the Italian team, but we'll have to wait and see if behind all the charisma, the Azzuri still have what it takes to make the Brazilian team tremble. Though in today's game, they couldn't budge a kiwi.

Game highlights:

-Italians wore black arm bands in remembrance of Italian defender Roberto Rosato, renown for his 1970 World Cup performance, who died last week at the early age of 67.
-New Zealand taps in a goal in the 6th minute. That was easy.
-Highly questionable foul on De Rossi, who falls on the ground at the slightest tug of his jersey. Italy gets a free kick. New Zealand goalie Mark Paston appeared to shrink in from of Italian striker Iaquinta whose kick was right on target. Italy scores, De Rossi pretends to blast Iaguinta with a vuvuzela in the face.

New Zealand holds draw, game ends 1-1.

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